Finding the Story

Posted on July 5, 2021

Finding the story for the Elusive Green Elephant has been, for lack of a better term, elusive. All I knew was :

  1. Boy travels around the world with elephants
  2. Childlike wonder
  3. No dialog

My biggest challenge is the simplicity. Even as I write this, I’m thinking about my written drafts, my many storyboards, and the big picture. Trying to look at it as someone with no attachment to this at all. How to make a short dreamlike sequence with little to no plot. Beautiful visuals will only get me so far.

In this situation, I’m thinking less is more. Don’t add shots, only delete or alter what’s already here. What is the bare minimum the audience needs? How do I frame these things in the most whimsical and engaging way?

I’m still figuring it out. But I have a basic animatic that I like, but don’t love. I did find an unneeded sequence to cut last month. But what else isn’t working? I need to find the shots/sequences created with clear intention and cut the ones that are vague ideas. I can’t animate vague ideas.

While writing the first draft of this I got an idea that simplified and clarified a large part in the middle. For now I’ll keep finding ways to simplify until everything is clear.

Hopefully I’ll have an update for next month, I’ve had a lot of changes recently!

Visit to see my past animated projects (I made this myself with REACT!)